Art in Salcey Forest - original exhibition
May 10th 2008-May 2009, Salcey Forest, Northamptonshire
Iris II
Created to replace Iris (see below) which was taken from the forest during December 2008, Iris II can be found somewhat higher in the same tree. This sculpture explores my vision from a different perspective - it is an abstraction of a 360 degree view of a section of Salcey forest near where it is installed.
The patterns in my right eye enlarged, drawn and finally sculpted using stainless steel wires with a copper wire spiral to form Iris. For me this expresses both my own vision of the forest and the vision of all visitors as they are encouraged to look closely at their surroundings in order to find the sculptures. The photos show Iris in the mist (x2) with droplets of water catching the light, in sunshine and a close-up to show the weave pattern.
See also:
Light; Body weave III; Spirit weave II; Wood spirit; Geodesic weave; Falling seeds; Regeneration; Wood spirit II
Details of the exhibition, guided walks and workshops